Cross-Stitching Symbols and Superstitions: The Meaning of Imagery in Cross-Stitching
It is common knowledge that if you really want something and work hard to make that happen, then your dream will definitely come true. However, the thought itself is very important and cross-stitching can give it extra powers – while cross-stitching, you are focused on your dreams and wishes and the Universe perceives that as a signal.
It doesn’t matter what technique or materials you are using for your project or in what language you communicate your thoughts to the Universe. Cross-stitching diligently with passion and concentration is what is of utmost importance.
Cross-stitching a house can help you materialize the dream of owning one. The technique you are using or the kit brand doesn’t really matter. The same applies to the type of the house you are stitching – it can be a village hut or a luxury mansion. Based on the experience of many cross-stitchers, working on a project that features any building of any size can help you improve your housing situation.
A dreamcatcher placed above the bedhead or next to the bed contributes to good sleep and captures bad dreams.
Poppies or a poppy field symbolize virility and assistance in resolving fertility issues.
Legend has it that the roses that grew in the Garden of Eden were thornless and only got thorns after man's fall from grace. The rose, the queen of flowers, symbolizes martyrdom, as well as charity.
The Easter lily is a symbol of eternal life. Early Christians believed that the flower sprang from the tears of Eve, when she was expelled from the Garden of Eden. The lily symbolizes perfection, so the phrase “to gild the lily” means trying to improve something that is already beautiful and doesn’t require any improvements. As William Shakespeare says in King John, “to gild refined gold, to paint the lily… is wasteful and ridiculous excess.” The lily blooms during Easter, when the cold bleak winter of sin is replaced by the spring of salvation. The flower is easily accessible and incredibly beautiful. Daffodils, tulips, irises and Easter lilies are cross-stitched to decorate churches and houses during the Easter season.
Sofa cushions decorated with cross-stitched warm-colored flowers protect a married couple’s love. Flowers stitched in a cold color palette are believed to help develop an ability of foreboding.
Floral cross-stitch designs safeguard against separation or divorce from a loved one. Ornamental designs protect from sudden danger, while designs depicting people, landscapes or buildings help achieve success in business endeavours.
Cranes, especially a pair of cranes depicted with a pine branch or tree, is one of the main symbols of health.
The peach is also considered a health symbol.
The sailing ship is a great talisman that is believed to bring luck. It symbolizes the arrival of good fortune. To enhance the talisman’s effect, it is important that the sailing ship’s bow is facing inside the house. Pieces of gold or imitations of gold placed on the ship’s deck significantly increase the talisman’s powers.
The lighthouse symbolizes a solution to a longstanding problem or positive life changes.
The peony is a flower of joy, a symbol of passion and sensual love. It is the most favorable symbol for young married couples - a picture depicting peonies should be hung on the southwest wall. The image of a peony in the bedroom or in the love sector is a wonderful talisman, but its beneficial effect is relevant only in the early years of marriage. When the wife becomes a mother, the peonies in the bedroom start symbolizing infidelity. If a woman is divorced with children, then peonies can have a positive impact if she is willing to find a partner.
It is recommended to decorate bedroom walls with flying butterflies to give a boost to a romantic relationship. Pictures of butterflies in the bedroom will help single people improve their love lives faster or keep the fire of an existing relationship burning. The butterflies should be arranged in pairs or groups to create the impression that they have naturally flown into your room.
The unicorn symbolizes a long life, festivities, joy, glory, famous descendants and wisdom. If a single woman cross-stitches a unicorn, she might get married very soon.
Cross-stitching an animal couple (a pair of swans, wolves, storks, ducks or butterflies) attracts marital happiness.
A tigress with a tiger cub: In Eastern culture, the tiger is considered the king of the mountains. The tiger symbol protects from any negative influences and evil spirits. Tiger cubs depicted under a tree of longevity protect children and ensure their successful development so that they grow up strong, healthy, safe and worthy of royal nobility.
An elephant with a calf symbolizes power, shrewdness, intellect, wisdom and good nature. This symbol draws luck into the house and protects the children, as well as stimulates creative potential.
A horse with a foal represents a source of power and energy, protects the children and brings them parental love, joy, beauty and optimism. The horse also symbolizes speed, perseverance, strength and endurance, as well as rapid child development.
In fact, any image depicting a caring mother with a baby (humans or animals) provides additional protection.
There are lots of other symbols in cross-stitching. For our part, we will try to specify the meaning of each cross-stitch design available at our store, but, of course, believing that or not is up to you.
Symbols and superstitions in cross-stitching and the magic of visualization
Cross-stitching is a kind of needlework, but initially it is an art that dates back to ages ago. People used to cross-stitch togain protection. This way, horizontal lines symbolized earth, waves represented water and crosses stood for the sun and fire. Every people had its own typical ornament and style. Cross-stitching has gained immense popularity and gradually turned into a hobby.
Cross-stitched designs are considered the strongest protective charms. The combination of the intricate interlacing of threads and the energy put into the work is believed to have magical powers.
If you are into cross-stitching, then you might have thought about the meaning of this or that image. It is particularly important when you are planning to give the finished work to your loved one as a gift – in addition to being beautiful, the cross-stitch piece could bring luck, longevity, love and happiness, and this can be achieved if you understand common symbols and the meaning behind certain images in cross-stitching.
For the most part, symbols in cross-stitching are based on Feng shui, which is a practice teaching us to achieve harmony with our environment by arranging our living space in a particular way.
Another principle is the power of visualization – the magic of stitches indeed works! By concentrating on the image you are cross-stitching, cherishing your wish and putting your soul into every stitch, with the help of the needle and canvasyou can make your dream come to life.
Some images are cross-stitched specifically for that purpose. For instance, cross-stitching a house or a lighthouse is believed to help improve your living conditions, a ship helps boost your income, an angel, baby or a cute children’s design helps a woman get pregnant, and horses symbolize career development.
When starting your project, make your wish along with the first stitch and keep thinking about it while cross-stitching. The main thing is to really want your dream to come true and the Universe will make it happen.
Bear in mind that thoughts can be materialized. Knowing what a certain image stands for, imagine that the idea or dream has already come to life when working on your piece and it will definitely be that way!